Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Touched a Raw Spot Somewhere

Came across an article in the office blogs..Sharing it here, with all credit given to the author.. Hmmmmmmm...

"and that reminds me of something i've been mulling over lately... "honour killings". what is it about "honour" and "the family name" and "values" and "morals" that drives people into killing their own children/siblings/nepwhews/nieces ? what is this family name or this value system that they are trying so hard to protect? what is so noble about marrying within one's own community, or only to the person of one's parents' choice, as to earn the chance to be spared at the hands of an "honour killer"? is the so called shame of having to endure taunts from neighbours and relatives so very unbearable, that it could drive a father or a mother to kill the very child they brought into this world?

i've heard people say, "your parents brought you up with a great deal of love and affection, so they would expect..." and yet we also hear the same people say, "a mother's love is unconditional". expectation is an exception to the unconditionality i guess...
strange is this world and strange are the ways of the people that inhabit it! and for all the strangeness, i do hope we don't lose genuinely nice people to maniacs who are out to protect their so called honour; god knows, we need nice people around. "

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