Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's the Final Countdown

Yesteday, a big shot in my practise at work called to clarify about me working on a project despite on being on a bench code..And when i mentioned that, i am on notice period he graciously said that i can leave by the end of the next week and my manager also was happy with it, because the so-called "crisis" situation in my project has been passed.

It is sitll a doubt whether i will have to leave quitting the job or whether i will get the sabbatical, which i am hoping for. Which ever way it is, i will have to bid farewell to this place in a weeks time.. Booo-Hoooooo...

Though i loved to hate the job i am in now, i am all teary eyed at the mention of leaving here.. I have wonderful friends at work and the roomies, Div & Rah are angels. Though, Jos is one-of-a-kind pest, she provided unlimited entertainment to all of us. All these put together and at the thought of loosing the ecconomic freeedom i had for so long i am all worried.
I have no doubts in the fact that Gin is going to support me. But then, the last time i was financially dependent was on Appa, while i was a student. And at that time your needs are very basic. A few clothes a year, a sandal to go with all the clothes,notebooks and money for photostat copies of study materials(!!!!!!!), and the minimal telephone recharges& the yearly subscription to the local library would mostly cover the list. Once i had the job, i used to amass books, and at times electronic gadgets. And defenitely a floatter cant go with your salwar or a kholapuri with your formals, so mathcing shoes with your clothes.. Or to put it in a nut-shell, i could buy the things i had really an interest in without having to beg for amma's approval to debit money from Appa. In 3 years, i had kind of got used to it.. And seriously, i dont know how comfortable i will be to ask for money to Gin initially & i really hope that the familiarity would build up over the days.. I feel an arranged marriage which happened over a week's time is like a new sandal... You would love it at the sotre & would buy it off, but then on the first few days it will bite your leg & you will have blisters and boils which hurts. But ovet the time, you will get used to it. And the said-sandal will bear impressions of your toes and heels and you would be really comfortable in it and the familiarity of the straps and the loops on your feet would be like your second skin,that you would think twice before having to discard it..... Isn't it??

Back to the point, I have mixed emotions, the excitememnt of startting a new life at a new place with an almost new person, the grief of leaving the friends you made and strange enough, can you guess that i am gonna miss the chair i used to sit in office too... Doesn't that tell how much of a clingy person i am!!!!!!!!

Well, isnt that the way of life?? You kind of get established in a place and start liking it and you are uprooted immediately. And all the stuffs i have accumulated in the last 2 and a half years have to be packed and taken. Also as soon as i get home, i will have to start packing yet again for SA.
Sigh, packing has come to be the way of life these days
And yes, the count down starts too.....

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