Friday, February 24, 2012

Out of the mouth of Dan

Dan wakes up real early in the morning. In order to escape from my continuous cribbing about having to wake up early in spite of being awake half the night, Gin will take him and go out of the room so that I can catch some more shut eye time.

So Day before yesterday these two were generally bonding while I was babo and once I was awake Gin told me that Dan had said a word that resembles APPA. I didn’t want to rain on his parade. So I went all oooh-aaah about it. Come-on, kids are supposed to say Amma/Mamma or its dialects first. Not Appa, for God’s sake… Yesterday morning I too heard him saying something that resembles APPA… Aaa-bba or so.. I dismissed it again. In the evening when I went to pick up Dan from the crèche his caretaker said the whole of yesterday he was chanting “Aa-bbaaa, Aaaa-bbba”.. I don’t believe things unless I hear with my own ears. Anyway, I kept prompting Daniel to say Appa, and he just gave me this look which seemed to say- Mamma, you think I will say Appa before Mamma… NEVER”. It was such a blank look as if he has even never heard the word.. I was one happy female :P

Later in the night Gin and me were talking and Dan was playing with the box in which his stacking rings came. Please tell me why we buy him toys that are supposed to bring hand eye coordination or what ever.. He is NEVER interested in the toy buy ALWAYS goes for the box/wrap/cover that it came in as if it is his precious heirloom.. Shoooo..

Well, we were deeply discussing some earth shattering event and we realized that Dan has been chanting in the back ground Aaaaa-pppah Aaaaaaaa-pppah.. Oh My God… The little brat!!!! The second he realized that we were listening he went into his Brrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooo brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooo mode… Again we fake-talked and acted as if we are not giving him any attention and he again said it.. Aaaaaaa-pppahhhhhhh….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did hug him and went all teary eyed and excited about his first word.. Ok, not WE, mostly Gin (hallo, he didn’t say Mamma first and I am offended, I clean his bum not his Aaaaaaa-pppah). Gin has been seen floating an inch above the ground since then.. That man!!!!!

So our baby officially said his first word…..And that word is Aaaaaa-ppaah *Runs away to wipe off tears*


  1. Aww!! Maybe it doesn't stand for Appa... maybe he intends to say, Ah Pah, which definitely means somethings in dan-world.

  2. Haha! Dan's funny! Just like his Mama. Oh and I'm wondering if even this was cos of the juice effect :P (I'm so dead!)
