Friday, June 15, 2012

Our dearest one year old

The world may think you've got a long way to go but I think you've come a really long way in just one year of existence on planet. From the time you kicked your way out to the outside world, while you struggled to keep your tiny eyes open, kicking with all your might, smiling away seeing angels in your sleep and trying to figure out who's who among the new faces you were seeing. You were a miracle or more a wonder to our eyes, only displaying God's geniusness! In your helpless tinyness, it still seemed like you were saying "I'm out to change your world people"! The happiness and pride you brought us from that very moment! You'v discovered, you'v learnt, you've grown and you've even taught! And from discovering your ways of getting things done, climbing stairs, pulling peoples' hair, opening boxes, destroying things, creating things, building things, making noises, watching and learning and just melting away the hearts of the people around you ! You're an individual, you'r an amazing lil personality, you're unique, you're a charm, you're God's masterpiece! Praying you continue to be a great joy to everyone as you grow into a big boy! Sho! The calm assurance that you can face uncertain days because HE lives!

Daniel! You're much loved!!!

Happy birthday!

Truck loads of love,
your lil'est Aunt :)

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