Friday, February 24, 2012

Out of the mouth of Dan

Dan wakes up real early in the morning. In order to escape from my continuous cribbing about having to wake up early in spite of being awake half the night, Gin will take him and go out of the room so that I can catch some more shut eye time.

So Day before yesterday these two were generally bonding while I was babo and once I was awake Gin told me that Dan had said a word that resembles APPA. I didn’t want to rain on his parade. So I went all oooh-aaah about it. Come-on, kids are supposed to say Amma/Mamma or its dialects first. Not Appa, for God’s sake… Yesterday morning I too heard him saying something that resembles APPA… Aaa-bba or so.. I dismissed it again. In the evening when I went to pick up Dan from the crèche his caretaker said the whole of yesterday he was chanting “Aa-bbaaa, Aaaa-bbba”.. I don’t believe things unless I hear with my own ears. Anyway, I kept prompting Daniel to say Appa, and he just gave me this look which seemed to say- Mamma, you think I will say Appa before Mamma… NEVER”. It was such a blank look as if he has even never heard the word.. I was one happy female :P

Later in the night Gin and me were talking and Dan was playing with the box in which his stacking rings came. Please tell me why we buy him toys that are supposed to bring hand eye coordination or what ever.. He is NEVER interested in the toy buy ALWAYS goes for the box/wrap/cover that it came in as if it is his precious heirloom.. Shoooo..

Well, we were deeply discussing some earth shattering event and we realized that Dan has been chanting in the back ground Aaaaa-pppah Aaaaaaaa-pppah.. Oh My God… The little brat!!!! The second he realized that we were listening he went into his Brrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooo brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooo mode… Again we fake-talked and acted as if we are not giving him any attention and he again said it.. Aaaaaaa-pppahhhhhhh….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did hug him and went all teary eyed and excited about his first word.. Ok, not WE, mostly Gin (hallo, he didn’t say Mamma first and I am offended, I clean his bum not his Aaaaaaa-pppah). Gin has been seen floating an inch above the ground since then.. That man!!!!!

So our baby officially said his first word…..And that word is Aaaaaa-ppaah *Runs away to wipe off tears*

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What is in a name

Some names are so ironic. Like the girl who was named Angel and the devil himself was mighty terrified of her???
Lately I had 2 instances with Overnite couriers.. What does the name suggest to you? That they will deliver over night. Ok, over night will be a little too much to ask. In my experience their name should really be changed to over month or over fortnight..
Let me tell you why……………
*Daniel uses this particular brand of diapers and I buy them online. Usually they courier it by Bluedart or Firstflight. Their services are excellent and I get the consignment within 2-3 days of ordering. And so I plan accordingly. I make an order when the packet is three fourth empty and I definitely receive the stuff well before the packet empties.- Please don’t comment that I should have better managing skills and not to wait till it is three fourths empty.. Such rude comments are not going to be entertained.
So where was i??yeah, this one time I placed my order as usual and it was not delivered for 4-5 days. I went online and checked the whereabouts and saw that it was couriered with overnite people. Well, I sat back and started to wait. As luck would have it Daniel got a stomach bug at pretty much the same time and the diapers where quickly diminishing LI know somepeople will now suggest that I should be more environment friendly and start using cloth diapers etc.SWome-people Will you come back and give me a back massage daily???
I waited for 7 days and still the diapers were on the way. Called the customer care people of the online shop and they promised that they will try to deliver it the next day. Next day went past with no news of the diapers. I was getting real panicky and went and got a set of diapers from the local shop. And promptly Daniel developed a rash. Well, now I had every right to call and scream at the customer care. They promised to deliver it on the same day before 7.00 pm. This was a Saturday. Sunday and Monday went past with no news of my order. And then I called the courier people and they say that the consignment is delivered to Rajalekshmy, Now who in the world is she?? May name doesn’t remotely resemble that. Screamed at them and one hour later they sheepishly tell me that they have wrongly updated the info. Phew. All this while I had nightmares of some Rajalekshmy using the diapers meant for Dan and Dan suffering from nasty diaper rash… Well, after threatening that I will cancel their order and want a cash-back and that I will write nasty remarks about them,they managed to deliver it on tueday morning.Which is a whole 10 days after the initial order…..

*For Valentines I decided to surprise the husband with chocolates. Ordered some yum stuffs and their website promised that they deliver the very next day of the order being placed or at the latest within 2 days. Good enough. I placed the order on the 13th (again, comments on poor managing/planning skills can be kept to self) They updated me with the invoice and Oh-Oh.. it is courierd with the same overnite people…To cut a long story short, the Valentines day chocolates was delivered on the 20th of Feb. Might as well have delivered it the next year… I could have saved some money….

That is the affair with the courier people whose name suggests that they will deliver overnite!!!!!!

I was a huge fan of Adyar Ananda Bhavan….Loved their food and sweets. TO be honest they are neat and their food is good. Well… We went their for brunch on a Sunday. Agreed, it is a busy day for them..When we went it was not crowded, but it was full. We sat down and asked for puri. The sorry excuse for a waiter replied “it is over” while he was walking off to the next table. I mean, he didn’t even look us in our face nor did he give us some other option. We waited for his highness to make appearance and he blessed us with his esteemed presence about 10 minutes later. We were hungry and his manner had made us irritated. I am a person not to be messed with when I am hungry. My husband would vouch that I am a bhadrakaali even otherwise. Imagine me in the above situation…He stands there shifting from leg to leg (he has got ants in his pants or what??) and was acting as if taking our order is way beyond his dignity. He is a senior staff there and when you are doing a job might as well follow you job profile… Show some grace you old-snobbish-man…ANYWAY, we ordered Dosa and he said it will take time.We said that is fine with us and with his nose up in the air he left for the kitchen, came back in the same speed and announced that Dosa is over.. What happened to the dosa that would take time to come to us???????? I lost it and announced that we are leaving. That waiter walked off just like that. Not even an apology, not even bothered to tell us about the other options.. Well…. I walked out loudly announcing about the bad service and the lack of hospitality. Other customers heard and my point was made. Seriously, you are paying good money not to be treated like you are taking alms … It makes me so steamingly mad… Grrrrr
Pray tell me where is the Aanandham in dining at Adyar Ananda Bhavan???????

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Haven’t you seen these woman who can’t stop talking about their husbands or married life when they are newlywed? OR even newly engaged?? Guess i skipped that gloating period since the husband was away during our initial days of married life . But i guess i am making up for it post Dan. The girls i go for lunch with should be cringing away from me, because i mostly speak about Dan and Dan and then some more Dan. I spam their inbox with his snaps or talks about what he does or how he does stuffs... I decided to mend my way and start describing him on the net :) Exactly ONE person reads my blog, and since she doesn’t mind reading about Dan i feel that it is a safe option. It is better for that one person to stop reading my blog than to go for breakfast, lunch and tea all alone....

*Daniel was born on 15th June and he weighed 3.2kgs on birth. Whoever said that normal delivery is a cake walk, please come and meet me.

*He rolled over at exact 48 days. My thought process went off as follows *Wow, he is an early developer. This makes him an advanced kid and so he is definitely going to Harvard and then off to the wall street for his multibillion dollar earning job. And there we are, Gin and me cruising through the Bahamas!!!!!!* Daniel sensed my thoughts and the next time he rolled over was at exact 4 months. There goes my dream of cruising through the Bahamas,

*He used to roll over consistently since October 15th. His moving around in his sleep and otherwise, got quiet scary and Gin and me moved quarters to the floor from the bed for general safety. On December 5th morning, Dan was sleeping on his mattress. I go into the room after sometime and he is missing . My heart took a flip and then i hear a cooing sound from behind the cupboard and VOILA there he is, pulling out the contents of a box. So he began to move on his own, to destinations of his choice henceforth.

*On christams day he stood up with support. Merry Christmas Appa and Mamma , he seems to say. Well, as the good parents we are, we forgot to get him a gift :(

*Sometime in the first week of January, Daniel's Nanny decided to quit. Great... By god's grace he began to go to a crèche nearby and slowly got accustomed to the new place and people.

*He got his first fever and his first loosies almost at the same time :(

*He sat up on his own when he became 7 months old.

*His passion is to climb airs. He will pull himself up on the first step, Will lift up his knees and put it on the next one. And the same process goes on. He climbs about 3 steps in less than a minute. No, it is not funny. It is damn scary because a couple of time he has come down rolling from the steps, thankfully into one of our hands.

*He sprouted his first teeth at exact 8 months, or so i noticed. Now with a teeny weeny teeth and all, i feel that he is a BIG BOY :) Big enough to do errands for me and to take his dad along for company :P

*Now his favorite sport is to stand near the counter where the water filter is kept. The tap is at exact his height and he has managed to open it by himself. This time i didn’t have time to think about his mechanical skills and he designing the future rockets, because i was busy running around swabbing the floor ...

*I feel that he knows how to clap his hands. Once i saw him doing that. At 5 am when he got up and was generally making noise to wake me up. I cant be too sure, because at 5 am i am as good as dead and i could be hallucinating :D

*When we were first married, Gin could go on for days without sleep. And he hated to sleep too. I was the exact opposite. i lived to sleep. Luckily, Gin got on the sleep bug and became a sleepy head soon and our son HATES sleeping. He feels sleeping is for losers. How can 2 sleep lovers end up with a baby who has great aversion to sleep????????

*If you notice, Dan tends to cross most of his milestones on the 15th of each month. I think he realized pretty early in life, that he has got 2 scatter brains for his parents and decided to make life easy for us. If only you decided to sleep a little bit more, my son :)

*And i found out that there are people who live to compare. Yes, compare a child as young as 8 months old. And that too without any compassion. I too decided to grow up and the next time someone compares Dan with XYZ, i too am gonna give them back in the same line. Tit for Tat. Some people just won’t learn unless it hits where it hurts

And thanks Chech, for being the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Right through the pregnancy and during 8 months of parenting Dan.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

To be humble is the way to be

Last week we managed to go to the office/day care on all 5 days and I managed to cook too. So that means things were getting under control,right?????. By Saturday I was feeling all kush about my managing skills and was all ready to anoint myself as superwoman. And then..... Dan woke up from his nap crying and was running a fever of 102F- just like that… Definitely to put me back in place, I am sure. We rushed him to the doctor and on that day the doctor had his clinic closed. For the first time in his 10 years of professional life, I bet. So we called him up and he prescribed medicine. Fed Dan the medicine, which of course he managed to puke all over me and the bed and all over him too.. And then he began to feel slightly better. Phew.. we managed to breathe again.. No, no.. Life cant get *that* easy for me, can it?? After about an hour the temperature shot back to 102.. He was moaning in his sleep. We sponged him and tried everything in our means to bring the temperature back to normal. And like all loyal couples we managed to play the blame game too. Well, what took the prize was Gin’s reason for him catching fever- it was because I am not taking enough fruits!!!!!!! Well, it is a fact that Dan is still breast fed. But then how can he catch a fever if my fruit intake is low. Beats me!!! Well, I managed to laugh even in this stressed out state.* Alish, please wipe off that knowing grin off your face…No, I don’t want you to affirm his logic.You both seriously need professional help in your loyal patronage for fruits and fruit juice.* And finally, we decided to take him to the hospital. Bundled him in layers of warm clothes and off we went in our night clothes.. When?? At 12:30 am. Thank God, the good doctor and the angel of a nurse, did manage to bring his fever down and stable in about 2 hours and we left for home. Did I mention that there was no current during all this time.. Yeah, sometimes my lucky stars manage to shine all together…

And while we were walking back, there was this woman walking in front of us, wildly thrashing and waving her hands in the air... She was mentally disturbed. It was no time suitable for a woman her age to be walking around all alone. Yet she was alone and the boldness in her steps and actions proved that she was really not here.. Unnerved by the surrounding, oblivious to what is happening around her. She was in her own world. A world full of violence that she has built for herself. A world of, stabbing and thrashing is where she dwells, I understood from her comments. Or someone/something has forced her to dwell in???? She was loudly commanding someone to be hit and someone else to stabbed. She was asking someone else to stop.It was all too scary. Her voice was loud and clear, piercing in the otherwise quiet night. And it had a dangerous edge to it. Does she see only violence when she is awake?? Doesn’t she notice the misty mornings and sun warmed noon and lovely evenings????

Don’t you think a middle-aged woman of her age should be lying down cozily on her bed, dreaming about her daughter’s wedding or worrying why her son spends too much time with his friends, annoyed at the husbands loud snores.. Not wandering cold and aimlessly on a dust strewn street.
Don’t you think a woman of her age, should have compassion and light in her eyes, a warm twinkle for a baby cooing at her. Not the stony stare or the cold lifeless blood shot eyes..
Don’t you think a woman her age should be have clean starched saris, vermillion smeared forehead and turmeric hued skin… Not the dirt crusted face or the torn and filthy sari….

That is the normal course of life. But she was pushed harshly off the normal road maybe by a cruel twist of fate. She is left out open and cold. with no emotions, no feelings. She is oblivious to all.. A sad sad state…

These two incidents made me eat humble pie. No matter how much of planning you do, no matter how careful you are, it takes only one second to shatter it all and life severs off the normal course… Then you are left scared and worrying or sometimes lonely and cold...What is there to be proud of?? Money, education, position, kids, spouse, parents?? Bah… Nothing..