Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Home-maker in Making

So after almost 3 years cross-south-India i am back home as a home-maker... Well, it's not time yet to know whether i will love it or get bored of it in weeks.. Anyway, i caught a bad bug of fever 2 days before i left M'lore and so the promised farewell party had to be ditched.. I felt like such a traitor. And it was only through divine intervention that i managed to stuff-in my three years of material possessions into the suitcases, bags and well into plastic covers. And miraculaously managed to board the train amidst excruciating throat pain and a roaring fever. Got home and was parked under covers of blanket until everything became bearable...
Well, in a way being sick was good. I didnt have energy to waddle in my usual emotional roller coaster ride when i leave anything/anyone.. I think had i been better, i would have looked at the security dude & would have shed tears.... Dont underestimate me.. To the shock of Div& Rah i did shed a few tears.. How can i not??? It's there in my blood!!!!! But i didnt cry when i bought my lunch parcel from Kairali for the last time neither did i weep when i boarded the train for the last time from the station that tops my most frequently used list... Well done, Anna.. Well Done *Standing Ovation, please*
SO here i am 3 days into back home & hasnt even stepped out of the house...
The tasks ahead before the next leg of journey are many. One day at a time is the way out.. Like having a bath and then into bigger things *winks*

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