Wednesday, June 30, 2010


You make friends; you loose friends,
You fall in love; you fall out of love,
You give away your heart; you shatter your heart,

But Sisters would remain sisters come what may..

You fight with them, you call them names, you deny all what is fair to them, you embaress them in public.
Yet, at the end of the day, you have a shoulder to lean onto, a ear to listen to all your cribbing sad stories , to lend you some pearls of wisdom, to guide you, to be your mentor and friend at the same time..And to tell you that your flabby tummy really has a cute angle to it and to laugh about the "family-asset"

A big Cheer to the Lovely Sisters !!!!!!!

P.S : Alish, i have posted what we broke our heads about
P.P.S : Ans, Sisters ofcourse are fun, even before they have their kids.. But then, the kids do bring an extra amount of bubbling!!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

No.8 on her way.....

12 years back, if someone had told me that i would be counting down the hours for Alish to land here, i would have smacked them personally. Yet i am doing precisely that today and i just cant wait for the little sister to finally arrive...
We had a gripping war going on between us, ever since we knew each other. Ans being my soul mate just increased the feud between us because Ans & me so wanted to exclude piggy from our earth-shattering secrets.. But then the irony of it is that, Alish always always knew what we were upto and has made suicidal comments about our current crushes in the public... Well, cant blame the kid alone.. I was a nightmare. Ever blackmailing the kid and torturing her to no ends.God, i am really searching for my claws and draggers now.. I cant believe that i could get so humanless!!!!
Well, years later we have become thick friends. The decade of fuming fights are topic for a hearty laugh these days.. And after my wedding when i was looking for a worthy partner to shed my penned up tears, it was Alish who came to my rescue. And though i was coming home with them, we hugged and cried as if there is no tomorrow... And Gin was clueless about what the drama is all about.

And tomorrow she is landing for a few days and then, the saddest part is that i will have to take off to the in-laws in between.. Married life, i say.
Hopefully we can paint the town red and i can make upto the little lady for all the times Ans and me went to watch movies without her & do some more mischevious things and get some advise from the girl on fashion and attires..
Come fast piggy...

And i love this picture a lot and lot... Somehow, it is really nice to see us , all grown up and looking all wow!!!!!!! Esp Alish, who was looking very delicious and was the best looking dish that day.

And the second picture is also a fav :)Of a quick trip to Chennai and an afternoon of posing for photos....

Itz the time to Collage

Did i tell that i am in a mood for collage?? I discovered the collage facility by Picasa recently and was kicked. Hats off to Ans, who so patiently sat and made a collage from scratch using paint.SO am looking for every oppurtunity to make one....

When i left M'lore, i did make one for my coffin cubicle mates. Though the source of that name is now a mystery to us itself, we had a blast in that cubicle and we have annoyed many a people with our uncanny sense of humor and incessant laughter. We were a mad bunch, though San & Shanthu tried their best to be the decent of the lot :P Oh God, we have been many a times reprimanded by our then PM, for the racket we make too... Dee and me graciously did forgive him, coz he was so adorably handsome.... Slurp....

Well, leaving behind a collage of the good times

And it would be an unforgivable crime if i close my Mangalore chapter without mentioning my Salvista roomies. I had a jolly good time with those girls there. The one who was a pain at the wrong place too provided entertainment and enough matter for never-ending gossip. Only because of her, Rah has had us in splitting laughter for hours together... Since my stint in that flat was interwined with long hours at office, i have only few photos of my stay there. And hence the lousy collage. But that is no way to judge the heart-bond i share with the 2 lovely friends i made- Div and Rah...
SO this is to you girls.. FOr the long nights and for the "bond" we made while our roomie was doing the famous Bombay-Darshan...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Home-maker in Making

So after almost 3 years cross-south-India i am back home as a home-maker... Well, it's not time yet to know whether i will love it or get bored of it in weeks.. Anyway, i caught a bad bug of fever 2 days before i left M'lore and so the promised farewell party had to be ditched.. I felt like such a traitor. And it was only through divine intervention that i managed to stuff-in my three years of material possessions into the suitcases, bags and well into plastic covers. And miraculaously managed to board the train amidst excruciating throat pain and a roaring fever. Got home and was parked under covers of blanket until everything became bearable...
Well, in a way being sick was good. I didnt have energy to waddle in my usual emotional roller coaster ride when i leave anything/anyone.. I think had i been better, i would have looked at the security dude & would have shed tears.... Dont underestimate me.. To the shock of Div& Rah i did shed a few tears.. How can i not??? It's there in my blood!!!!! But i didnt cry when i bought my lunch parcel from Kairali for the last time neither did i weep when i boarded the train for the last time from the station that tops my most frequently used list... Well done, Anna.. Well Done *Standing Ovation, please*
SO here i am 3 days into back home & hasnt even stepped out of the house...
The tasks ahead before the next leg of journey are many. One day at a time is the way out.. Like having a bath and then into bigger things *winks*

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

When the kids go to school

My college is at the middle of no-where & before the good ol' days of mobile phones we had to walk a good kilometer to get to the telephone booth. It was the 29th of September in 2003. and i knew i would be an aunt that day. That day, i traversed the distance twice and on the second time i heard the happy news that i am indeed an aunt of baby girl. The little angel was the one who exalted us with the suffix 'KO'. And it was her gibberish that we adopted into our vocabulary and was in her every growing state we oohed-and wowed.. It was this little angel who grew up and complained that, me& her other aunts would come for her wedding complaining about "nadu noovunne" & "kaalu noovunne" and wouldn’t do a thing to help her out. And this was because she was the doomed one to squeeze in between the little space between the bed and the wall& pick the stuffs, when anything would fall into the said space- which was actually several times a day, during my wedding time. Now before everyone complaints about the cruelty of it all, she was the only one among us, who would fit into that little space. Yes, our family did grow in the past several years but it was mostly sideways!!!! And tomorrow this little one is taking another big leap in her life. Going to the big school....
And this is to wish you all the goodness in life, my Bekhs. May you grow up to bring a lot of happiness & pride to your parents and all the ones who love you.. Grow up to be a strong, unique, confident, kind, helpful and an amazing woman. You are nothing short of it even now.. But we are looking forward to that big size Bekhs .Do keep the Dhoom-Machale spirit in you going on, my chakkudu..
And i want you to remember this incident when you grow up to be 25 ...
Once you and me were sitting at Iris and you were showing me the Hindi alphabets and i was writing the consecutive Malayalam alphabets to each. Half way through, i was blank about a few, not-so-frequently used ones. Mind it, i am out of touch with them since i passed out from the 10th standard. And once this happened for a few times, the little one so innocently asked me...
"Without knowing all these alphabets, how did you go through your college?"
So keep your alphabtes afresh, or this Ko is going to take revenge when you get to 25!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a day later that the nephew is going to school for the very first time. And this is the little one, who is so oblivious to the world& his passion is to run free enjoying the sheer freedom of it. We doubt whether the long-term goal is to bring in a gold medal to the family at the Olympics. Whatever it is, run free, little Av. Be the cheerful little cherub you are. I have not as much seen your parents getting mad at you for anything other than being a free soul you are and neither have i seen making a major scene when they reprimand you. Well, scooping mud from the compound and laying it all on the porch doesnt actually call for capital punishment and when else are you eligble to do it, if not at 2????So continue to spread the love&smile and hitch your wagon to the stars, little one.