Monday, July 30, 2012

Guilt trip

Daniel is away at his Appacha-Ammachi's place for the past 2 months. TO tell that we have been missing him is an understatement. There is a Daniel shapped hole in our home and even in our hearts. THe waste basket seems to be just a waste basket now; but when he was here it was the subject of endless possibilites. He used to explore the contents of it, as if they were some precious matter :P Sigh... Life was so interesting with him around...

Did i say so when he was here??? I dont think i did. I kept whining about how he wont even leave the waste basket alone :( I wish i did see things through his eyes and let him be .... And i was watching the videos we so often take and i so clearly uderstood the reason for his reverence towards his appa. In all the videos i am either telling him not to do something or talking to him in a stern voice. Whereas Gin, is always laughing or goofing around with him.. In every single one .... Sigh i wish i was the fun parent too. Well, i can give excuses that i was more at home with him and i did so for his personal safety or that i was physically drained.. But in his little brain, Mamma is the whine-parent and Appa the fun-parent!!!!!!!!!

Little Daniel, Mamma's Dangupie,.... I promise to be more patient and let you enjoy your toddlerhood with more enthusiasm and not with irritation, that i will have to again clean the floor after you upturn the wastebasket... Sorry to be the reprimanding Mamma that i am.. I hope you understand that it was for your own saftey or discipline.. Well, let us forget what is past... I will try not to yell or whine and go chase the world with your wild goofy smile and whooping enthusiasam... :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Long forgotten post

Daniel... He is 9 months tomorrow. TO think that 9 months back I was in a hospital room frantically praying that the "Baby Doll" would arrive the next day... And now here he is.. In and out of sickness and growing up by God's grace..... In case I forget what an amusing personality that little bundle who refused to sleep and only wanted to stare at the streamers his dotting aunt put up for him in my room he has grown upto J
*After his bout of a very bad case of viral diarrhea two weeks back, he is slowly gaining his strength back. He was never a chubby baby and since he has lost a precious kilo since the sickness people cant stop telling me how lean and sad he looks (???) and I have to make him put some flesh on his bones. I have had enough of other people telling me this. You see, I wont wantedly starve the boy. Oh, even if I will, he is capable enough to bring the house down by yelling and screaming and get his point done...He sprouted another teeth on his lower gum amidst this viral infection. I don't know what he did stuff into his mouth to infect himself with such a nasty infection.. L poor thing did suffer badly and to see a 8 month old puck his innards out is something hearth wrenching. We can very well do without having to see it again in his time as a baby or as a toddler or even as an adult...
*Still continues to stand up with support and for the past two days he has been very innovative. He will stand up holding onto a chair and slowly push the chair forward and as the chair moves he takes baby steps forwards.. Really cute to see ,that is if I don't count my heart sitting inside my mouth all the while. Just yesterday he was tyring to cruise holding onto a counter and his appa had an eureka moment. Asked me to stand at the other end so that he would cruise towards me.. Waddya know?? He sat down and crawled towards me!!!!!! Faster ,you see..
*Just last night he started to give you umma if you ask for it. He kind of comes forward towards the side of your lips and touchs his lips there....That is his way of delivering ummas!!!! And if he is in the mood, he will lick your face while he is at it too!!! So very tickly bickly..
*His sound!!! OMG definitely he has got his voice from my side of the family. His appa's side is the most soft spoken bunch of people .. He screams at the top of his lungs all the time. Once he is gone to sleep we sit and mop at the house which is so quiet.Gin and me are so so bone tired EVERY SINGLE minute. And we have a part-time help who comes to cook and clean for us. I have developed a healthy respect for those parents in the west who raise their kids with no help at all.. Phew!!
*Daniel has an internal antenna connected somewhere which keeps track of our conversations with others and then starting from the next occasion will do right the opposite. Take these for samples..
->He has a big problem drinking water. He just refuses it.Period.I had such a difficult time getting some fluid into his system while he had his tummy upset. One day I was cribbing to Chech about this. What do you think would have happened? The next day onwards he started to drink water from both his sipper and his water bottle .... Well, I am not complaining at all.
->The other incident didn't end well. Daniel was so very accommodating to cut his nails from the time he was just a few weeks old. Never ever has shown a fuss. Being used to his niece who throws a fuss for everything starting from eating to bathing, Gin told his mother about Daniel's habit of being so patient with so much enthusiasm... Yeah, as luck would have it, he just refused to cooperate at all from the next session onwards. Not mildly, Loudly with all the might a 8 month old can muster.he squiggled and wriggled and kicked and thrashed Well, since I am the mother in the equation and since I immensely enjoy the pleasure of having the last word in our conversation/dealings I didn't give in .
*You should see Daniel's face when his Appa returns from work to understand the phrase " the face brightening" . It just lights up and he gives this 2 toothed grin and just jumps off from my hand to his. Then it is appa time all the time. You think this will continue 24/7??? Never.. Once the clock tick 12 midnight, then mamma is his favourite person. He wont pacify if his father soothes him in the night, he will let the whole neighbourhood know if I leave him with his Appa and go to the loo etc etc. I am too sleep deprived to even remember them all... Anyway I am honored . Phew..
How the mighty have fallen?? I have seen the morning hours of 5am only a very few times in my life pre Dan. So my son decided to make me enjoy the morning glory and is up bright and bushy tailed at 5 am.....
I found this saved in the draft. I think too much happened since then and I just forgot to complete this. Our choco pot is 13 months now. My God, we are parents to a toddler now. And to think, that how the Lord Almighty has kept Dan in the middle of his palms and has guarded and guided him since the day he was born/formed... All praise and honor to Him.. Our only prayer for the little fellow is that he will grow as a God loving child....