Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Reward....

Most things in life comes with a price tag attached to it.. Monetarialy or otherwise.. But certain other things comes with a reward attached to it.. Like the train journeys...
The reward of the journey is???? The YUMMILICIOUS biriyani i always order from Hotel Kairali for the trip :-) Hmmmmmmm... The IRCTC biriyani is also a close bet too....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Talk with Nieces

The aunt is snuggling and rolling on the bed with the eldest niece.. The niece is in a good mood to be pampered and loved.. There are a lot of kisses and mock-bites delivered. And the aunt began to talk with the niece...
Aunt : Can i kiss you??
Niece: Yeeees *A kiss promptly delivered*
Aunt : Can i hug you?
Niece : Yeeeeeees *A hug is given*
Aunt : Can i eat you??
Niece : *With a mock-scared expression* Noooooo... I will get blood (baby-talk of, it will pain me )

Fastforward to 4 years...
The same scene repeats with the second niece, at precisely the same age as the elder one was,when the above incident happened..

Aunt : Can i kiss you??
Niece: OKkkkkk *She answers with a bored expression &the aunt delivers a kiss *
Aunt : Can i hug you?
Niece : OKkkkkk *With the same bored expression and the aunt quickly gives a hug *
Aunt : Can i eat you??
Niece : *Looks up from what she was doing with a quiet startled look & says matter-of-factly& with her ever-naughty-look* Nooooooo...You go eat chicken&chooru.... !!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmm.... Point taken, my Nans

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jinxed with trains

I think i am terriblyjinxed with trains... But how i love the train journeys themselves. The multicoloured landscape rolliing past you. Differnt shades at differnet times of the year... And you get to meet wide variety of people co-travelling with you. Some grumpy, some their noses deeply burried in their own business, some looking for the slightest reason to get cranky like a year-old who is teething,some over friendly-making you yearn for some quiet time, but a few others who respect your space but at the same time is friendly enough for those few hours span.....
In mid-2009 i had to travel home coz chech and the girls were home and i just couldnt miss being here when the girls were ripping the house apart :-). So got into a train in general compartament (!!!!!!) confident that i will be home early morn and can cathc some sleep before the kids are up... Only if i knew that, i plan in great detail, only to be a victim of the exact reverse .. The co-passengers were a nightmare. Quarelling with each other for God-knows what. And people were literally pushing me to get space on the rack i was perched upon... I composed myself saying that i would be home soon...well, in the middle of the night the train stopped somewhere... And it remained put.. It was rainign heavily which saved us from the terrible heat that would build up when a few hundred human bodies are packed like sardines. THe train didnt move an inch. By early morning we heard that there is a land slide at few kilometers from where we were stuck and it would take hous for the trains to start moving...I couldnt afford to waste time waiting on a train, when all i wanted is to play silly with the girls.. SO i stepped out from the familiarity of the train,into pouring rain and marched out of a tiny station which housed as much as a staion-masters office. Managed to manouver my way into the nearest town after changing two local buses. The town was steaming with people from various trains that were stranded in the nearby places, having the very smae brain-wave as mine. To cut a long story short, i managed to board a bus for the 4 hour journey home. And all was well, when a very tired, ragged aunt walked into the house to the glee of 2 surprised yet, happily grinning nieces and to the wondering-look of the tiny one... Though i dont want to remember or mention the details of that highly disturbing and tiring bus journy
But todays journey was most disturbing. An uncle had passed away and in the name of a dumb "project issue" my boss in Netherlands wanted me to send condolances and stay back at office.. Yeah, dream on!!!!!!!... And i walked out of office,blowing his protest in the air,fully assured that now i have G to fall back on,even if they chuck me out !!!!!! Got into train, happy that i will be home in the wee hours of mornign. But when the train chugged into a station which is about 6hours away from the station i was supposed to get down, at the scheduled arrival time; i sensed things were BAD.. This time it was a goods train which was derailed that made my day a nightmare... Though initially a bugging,over-interfering guy tried to befirend me, i was lucky to get the company of a very nice lady. She made my day with small talks and a happy time.WE were drenched in the summer sun for a whole day and the horrible experience ofthe yester-years bus journey after the train being stuck, made me sink deep into the seats ignoring the sun... And 24 hours after i started i reached home, also with a 14 hour delay from the scheduled arrival...But i was lucky enough to bid the beloved uncle goodbye. Aunt MA was not so lucky.. SHe was stuck at some place even farther from home and had to finally take a taxi to get home before the next day's train she has to catch back home..
Leaving with the pics of the happy time i came to after train-chucking and bus hopping last year....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vishu Aashamsakal

Today is Vishu, they say the beginnign of the Malayam year. People wake up to an elborately prepared Vishu Kani, complete with the riches and the finest things life can bring. Assortment of vegetables, the lovely konna poo, fine clothes, gold jwellery and of course money..
But this new year, above wealth and health i wish myself and my loved ones, a year filled with a lot of love to go around- to give and to take in bountiful, people to care for you& for you to care about and to make you giddily happy, reasons to laugh out loud from the pit of your stomach,intelligent ideas to ponder over, a skip in your step, and a song on your lips, enough money to satisfy you, enough trials to keep you rooted to the ground, hands to hold you tight and shoulders to weep on.....

May this year be a blessed one, with you in the hollow of the creators hands....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Boss....

Aah.. I am about a week late in publishing this. But then.. Better late than never. Today was palm sunday. The passion week we look forward to started today. I went to church, only to miss Kottayam all the more badly..Those were really the days. Practising for weeks the chants and the songs. And then the joy of them coming out perfectly well. The sheer goosebumps when thousand odd people recite prayer after prayer together and when hundreds of hearts are united and is at THE THRONE.... Oohh.. How beautiful were they. But then that was not the only feeling

As the preiest go through chanths after chants, it begins to touch on some raw spots in all our hearts at one point or the other.. What condition-less love led The Man to give his life for creatures like me.. Oh.. giving away the life is simple, but to go through the torture, humiliation and the torments..That too by the King of Kings....Isnt He disappointed at sometime seeing wayward creatures like me?? No way, that was The Love... Which led Him to take the scorn and the whips and the slashes so gracefully.. Knowing fully well, that He was saving generations and generation of sin....

Well, Anna is going to be rid of unnecessary worries, too much of complaints and the lack of trust this week.. Why should I fret, when a man loves me so well, knowing my iniquites, my shortcomings and even my tomorrow.. Isnt He in better control of my life than G, N & RP put together and doubled over...... So get a grip and face the world with a bold bold smile, coz i know who my boss is.

The Boss is INDEED a Jewish Carpenter .....