Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Five Questions - A tag

I am doing a tag for the first time. No one has ever tagged me. Mostly because the 3 people who were my ardent followers(all 3 are my sisters) found other interests and left this space mostly. So i am taking up this tag by myself from a lovely blog i follow  ; none other than The Blue Bride.
Here goes :)

1. One beauty product you would recommend to your girl friends.

I don't do much of make up. its not that i dont like to. Its only because i have commitment issues. I don't have it in me to even faithfully put kajal everyday. I am that bad. Ok, so the one thing i do religiously before i step out is to apply sunscreen .  Lakme Sunscreen is the absolutely essential beauty product i use and recommend.
I need to tell you this. There is a certain smell you associate with people. It was the smell of Imperial Lather soap for my grandfather, Cuticura powder for my appa. Lakme Sunscreen reminds me of chech. As soon as i pour some into my hand everyday, i can picture her standing in front of her mirror, fresh out her bath and applying sunscreen and smelling strongly of it..:)

Another beauty product i heart is Lakme eyeconic Kajal. I cant talk enough of its texture and effect. I would happily say that my search for  my perfect kajal is over and the winner is Eyeconic

2. Three Books everyone must read.

We have a great collection of books back at my home in Kottayam courtesy of my Appa's two cousins who had come down from Malaysia to do their elementary education here. On a rainy , cozy afternoon i laid my hands on this novel called, The witch of the Blackbird pond from their collection. Oh i was hooked to say the least. That book left my hand only when i finished it. It spoke about life in New England in the 17th century and about Quakers . Though it also talks about love and betraying it had such a good twist to it.

Another book i immensly enjoyed was the Thornbirds.
Memories of a Gheisa comes to a close third.
I am not sure if these are my all time favourite or not. But when i read the question these were the books that came on the top of my mind.. Maybe in a different mind set a totally different set may come up

3. Favourite online shopping site. : i was an online shopping addict. If there was a support group for online shopping addicts, i used to qualify to join them. We used to live/still lives very far away from the city and when Dan was a baby i could never find anything i wanted in the near bu shops. So i entirely got addicted to them and would order even completely useless stuffs in the bargain. It took a while to return to my senses . Pre-Dan times i used to shop for books on Flipkart. And even now i would vote for flipkart over any other shopping sites for their accuracy and timeliness of their deliveries. But amazon also wind my vote of confidence.. I like their collection of International Books for kids.. Ah, and ofcourse fruit spreads..Yumm..

4. Favourite Phone App : To sound very lame, its whatsapp. Due to the absolute fact that it has helped me to remain sane during times i have thought i will go insane.. I can just crib to anyone whether they are free or not and it feels too good to just vent out. It has made me to keep in contact with people whom it would have been difficult to be in touch with otherwise

5. One dish you are really good at making and its recipie :)