Saturday, October 16, 2010

Twisted Brain

My father has a cousin who is a practicing beautician. Once while she was visiting us, she was talking about mothers who take their barely 12year old daughters to get their eye brows plucked. Now according to me, a 12 year old must be reading comics, running around playing hide and seek or must be doing their home work. Well, my aunt would promptly send the kids back home saying that, she cant do the eye brow shaping unless the child is at least a 16 year old. The reason being, we have tiny little nerves under our eye brows and they are fully developed only by around 15 years. Now by pulling out the hair from the root can cause damage to the little array of nerves.

Though by the time, i was well past the 16 year old age limit, this little piece of information is etched into my heart. Every time i sit on the beauticians chair and hold my skin tight for her to start the medieval style torture to marginally increase the "looks", my brain retrieves this old piece of information somewhere from it's attic!!! And my muscles go into super alert mode. When the tiny hair is latched on the piece of string, my brain starts to picturise the minuscule vein attached to the base of my skin which is being taunted and pulled this side and that. And the pain level shoots up than the normal marginal level and the whole 5 minutes procedure turns into a uneasy sweating period. I twitch my muscles this way and the other in the pure hope to get my tiny nerves less tormented thus completely screwing up the procedure of eye-brow shaping. And every time, the beautician would look closely at my said eye brows and tell me. "Oh, there is a defect. One eye brow is slightly different from the other". I just node at her...
Well, can i voice out this psychotic drama that goes through my mind....

If only i could retrieve the fundamentals of programming this well, i would be one of the top employees in my company... Twisted brain, i say.....